Disable AVG
Disable AVG Antivirus and other services.
These written down from version 8.5 (free version).
To turn off the Resident Shield
- Double click the program icon in the bottom-right hand corner
- Click on "Tools" in the file menu and select "Advanced Settings" from the drop-down bar.
- In the window that opens, click to select the "Resident Shield" option.
- On the right hand side under the "Resident Shield Settings" title, be sure "Enable Resident Shield" is unchecked.
- Click "Apply".
- In the same Advanced Settings window click to select "Email Scanner" on the left side.
- Under the Email Scanning heading to the right, uncheck "Check incoming email".
- To the right of that be sure "Check outoing email" is also unchecked. It's unchecked by default at installation.
- Click "Apply".
- Again in the same Advanced Settings window click to select "Link Scanning" on the left side.
- On the right side under the heading "LinkScanner Settings", uncheck "Enable AVG Search-Shield (need web browser restart)"
- Also uncheck "Enable AVG Active Surf-Shield"
- Click "Apply"
- Click "OK" to close the Advanced Settings window
- Open the main program window.
- Click "Help" in the toolbar. Click "About AVG".
- In the window that opens titled "Information", it's just to the right of AVG version.
- Click the "Close" button.